Group Owners can be added in bulk to existing EUM Groups using the Group Import process by EUM Administrators and EUM Managers.
Please follow the below steps for bulk adding Group Owners to Groups:
- Login to Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD) and go to the Groups page.
- Select the concerned Group and Import these.
- Login to EUM Config. Please refer to Finding the EUM Config SharePoint site.
- Click User and Group Import under User Manager
- Click Import Files under Group Import
- Click to open Group Import file
- Fill up this file using the details collected from the Group Export from Azure AD
- Status to be Ready for Import
- Object ID to be the one for the concerned group, and this information can be found in the Group Export from the Azure AD
- Group Name to be the Display name for the Group in EUM Admin.
- Owner - Put in the Group Owner's email. If multiple owners are to be added to a group, then this will need multiple rows for the same group, each row having a unique owner.
- Keep the Details column blank
- Navigate back to the EUM Config site, and then to the User and Group Import, and then to Import Files for Group Import.
- Click the Import link
- You will be redirected to EUM Admin with a message confirming the Group Import is initiated
- Upon completion of the process the excel will have updated Status, and Group Owners added to the Groups.
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