- A Microsoft Tenant with Entra ID (Azure AD) and SharePoint Online.
- External Sharing should be Enabled in the tenant where your SharePoint lives. If not, the SharePoint sites you would share with Guest Users using EUM must have External Sharing enabled.
- Is there any Conditional Access Policy in Azure AD that might interfere with EUM?
- In Entra ID are there any domain restrictions for issuing Guest User invitations?
- Is Global Admin Access available? Someone having this level of access is needed to install the EUM
- Is One Time Passcode enabled in Entra ID?
- Is Azure AD Global Reader permissions allowed for the EUM Administrator Group?
- We require a single Entra AD Premium (P1 or P2) license in place. We utilize a permission the P1/P2 license provides to read/write data to the Azure AI Search index. Info on prices are available at:
CAD: Microsoft Entra Plans and Pricing | Microsoft Security
USD: Microsoft Entra Plans and Pricing | Microsoft Security
GBP: Microsoft Entra Plans and Pricing | Microsoft Security
Euro: Microsoft Entra Plans and Pricing | Microsoft Security - Is DotNet 8.0 Framework Installed? If not, install from Download .NET 8.0 Runtime (v8.0.1) - Windows x64 Installer (microsoft.com)
For installing the EUM, we require the following information:
- Azure AD Primary Domain
- EUM Config Site URL: The installation process will create a SharePoint site in your tenant to store the EUM Configurations. We would need to know the URL this site would possibly have. This URL must not already be in use, and should be available for creation on the day of EUM installation. Typically this URL would be like https://companyname.sharepoint.com/sites/eum-config
- What would you like the EUM Admin Azure App Name to be? The default app URL will be derived from the App Azure App name. For example companyname-euma.azurewebsites.net would be the URL for an App name companyname-euma. Web app names must be 20 characters or less.
- What would you like the EUM Portal Azure App Name to be? For example companyname-eump.azurewebsites.net would be the URL for an App name companyname-eump. Web app names must be 20 characters or less.
- What would you like the published DNS names for both Admin and Portal?
- An Outbound email address. For EUM to be able to send Email Notifications, you will need to setup a Member type of account in your Azure AD and give it a O365 Email license. This could be a Service Account, but not a shared mailbox, and should not have any elevated permissions.
- Should the same user account as above be used to provide EUM access to EUM Config site in SharePoint?
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