For SendGrid, Basic authentication (username and password) will stop working on December 9th. Also if 2FA is enabled in on the SendGrid portal, the basic authentication will fail.
You will need to create an API Key in SendGrid and put it in the password value of the SMTP code in identityserver.exe.config, and Extranet API web.config
Am I Using Basic Authentication with Username and Password?
If SMTP: Check the username you're using to authenticate. If it's the word "apikey" then you're using an API Key. If it's not, then you're using username and password authentication.
Upgrade to API Keys for your SMTP integration:
Generate API Keys in the SendGrid UI or programmatically with the least privileged permissions required for each of the endpoints you will be updating. For more information, see API Key Permissions.
The easiest way to get your API Key is to login to the SendGrid portal and from the left nav select Integration Guide and then choose SMTP Relay and follow the steps.
One you have your API Key generated, you'll need to update your settings and then Verify the integration.
Replace your username and password credentials with the newly-converted API key. You will want to use a converted version of your username for SMTP integration as well. Everyone's username is apikey
<smtp from="">
<network host="" password="<apikeyvalue>" userName="apikey" port="587" />
Where to change these credentials
App Service:
- In the top navigation, click on Debug console > CMD. Browse to site > wwwroot > IdentityServer and locate the IdentityServer.exe.config file. Click the pencil icon beside the file to open a text editor. Scroll to the bottom and paste the following XML snippet before the </configuration> tag,
updating the credentials. - In the top navigation, click on Debug console > CMD. Browse to site > wwwroot > Extranet_API_V4 and locate the web.config file. Click the pencil icon beside the file to open a text editor. Scroll to the bottom and paste the following XML snippet before the </configuration> tag,
updating the credentials.
On Premises Installation:
- C:\inetpub\wwwroot\~your eum site~\IdentityServer\IdentityServer.exe.config. Scroll to the bottom and paste the following XML snippet before the </configuration> tag,
updating the credentials. - C:\inetpub\wwwroot\~your eum site~\Extranet_API_V4\web.config. Scroll to the bottom and paste the following XML snippet before the </configuration> tag,
updating the credentials.
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